Cloverfield Paradox: How All 3 Movies Are Connected
Breaking down every connection in the Cloverfield movies and how Netflix’s The Cloverfield Paradox explains the origin of the monster....

STEPHEN KING'S THE MIST All Creatures Explained
Breaking down all of the various creatures featured in Stephen King's the Mist, including some only in the novella and one cut from the...

Top 10 First On-Screen Victim Deaths in Slasher Movies
Top 10 First On-Screen Victim Deaths in Slasher Movies

COMIC CON 2018 Horror News Roundup
Checking out all the biggest horror news and reveals from this year's Comic Con - including breakdowns for the Godzilla: King of the...

Rick Baker's Make-Up and Special Effects Legacy
Make-up and special effects legend Rick Baker just announced his retirement from film production, coinciding with the auction of his vast...

What The Scariest Movies Look Like Without Special Effects
Traditionally, horror isn't a genre that depends on digital trickery. Taking a practical approach is often not only cheaper, but more...

The 10 Worst And 10 Best Stephen King Movies
Stephen King's books have been adapted to film or television over 100 times, making him the all-time "King" of adaptations from a living...

Movies You Should Never Watch Alone
What do you think of this list? Can you watch these movies alone? What movies do you feel people should never watch alone?

2018's Most Disturbing Movies So Far
Perhaps it's a reflection of the unstable times in which we find ourselves, but 2018 has been an intense year at the movies.

10 Creatures in CELTIC MYTHOLOGY You DON'T Want to Meet
We're taking a look throughout Celtic Mythology to bring you the most horrifically terrifying creatures to stalk the land. Do you agree...

Top 10 Coolest Creatures from Norse Mythology
Coolest creatures from Norse Mythology. Do you agree? Comment below.

This is history of Jigsaw aka John Kramer in all SAW movies.

Evolution of Chucky
Evolution of Chucky in Movies & TV in 6 Minutes