Simon Sanchez - Horror Comic Book Writer

Welcome again my dead loving fiends. Today I present to you an interview with another tasty treat.
We are here with Simon Sanchez, a very talented and terroriffic horror writer. Thank you for joining us.
Please tell us where you are from and what do you do?
I'm from Texas and I work as a cataloger for an auction house here in Dallas.
How long have you been writing?
I've been writing for six years.
Tell us about Trauma comics?
I created Trauma Comics so I can publish my tribute to "B" movies and weird mash-ups.
How many comics are under your company?
Three books: Nazi Werewolves from Outer Space; Kung Fu Satanist; and King Tut Truck Driving Pharoah.
What was your inspiration for Nazi werewolves from outer space? Can you tell us a little bit about it?
Ed Wood's "Plan Nine from Outer Space" is the inspiration for Nazi Werewolves from Outer Space." The story is about Earth being invaded by Nazi Werewolves from outer space. The Werewolves are being led by Adolf Gorilla. Adolf has been brought back to life in a gorilla body with a robot arm.
What’s the story with Kung fu Satanist and king tut about?
"Kung Fu Satanist" is about a martial arts expert/investigator named Arthur Brown who practiced black magic and had a Demon attached to his presence. The Demon gives supernatural powers to Arthur in exchange for fresh souls. Arthur hunts down criminals and sacrifices their souls to his Dark Lord. "King Tut the Truck Driving Pharoah" is just a mash-up for the sake of being out right weird. In the first issue of King Tut he fights the subterranean Transgender Vampires.
The artwork is morbidly magnificent…Who are the artists?
Don Marquez paints the covers and Dean Juliette does the interior art.
Is there anything you are currently working on?
King Tut the Truck Driving Pharoah #2 is in the works. King Tut will battle the Radioactive Trailer Trash in issue #2.
What are your future projects or goals?
To expand Trauma Comics into more markets.
What do you like about horror and why choose to write in this genre?
I've been a fan of horror since I was a kid. It's fun to be scared.
If someone wants to buy a comic or read more about you, where can they go to find you?
You can buy them at Indy Planet. I also have a Facebook page for each title and you can send me a message there for signed copies.
What’s your favorite horror movie?
"The Exorcist."
Which horror character do you identify with most?
I don't identify with horror characters. I'm just a fan.
Thanks for joining us today Simon, now close your eyes. This won’t hurt…Much!