Slaughter Cin’s Top 10 favorite Facebook Horror Groups

Gory greetings boos and ghouls. Welcome to Slaughter Cin’s Top 10 favorite Facebook horror groups. This selection goes out to all my Facebook horror addicts out there. It was difficult narrowing my choices to just 10, but these putrid picks are guaranteed to satisfy your horror fix.

Eliot Kohek- I can never get enough of how amazing Eliot’s tattoo work is. Thankfully, I get to see his morbid tat updates by following his page. This French tattooist is one of the best 3D tattoo artists I’ve seen thus far! He’s young, talented and a creator of realistic images that seem to jump from ones skin…So twisted! What’s not to love?

Horrify me- Another great gory group to follow on Facebook. Rick Jones is the master mind behind the camera. This husband/wife duo is a force not to be reckoned with. Their horror filled special effects makeup and photography work is terrorific! Based in the UK, this horror team is simply worth the scream! Their photo sessions are not for the faint of heart. No, you cannot run to me crying from fear after viewing their page. You may become my next meal if you do.

Deborah Vorhees Shear horror group- I had the pleasure of meeting Deborah thanks to this group. There is more to this actress/filmmakers’ lovely face and bubbly personality. If you love the Friday the 13th franchise, then you’ll love this horror group. They also have film viewings with discussions you can participate in.

Mckamey Manor- Russ McKamey and Holly Sailor are the ring leaders of this tortuous haunt. It’s never a dull moment with these two. Who needs soap operas and scripted reality shows when you have live action torture at your fingertips. His motto “You really don’t want to do this.” Why so many people choose to do it after they’ve been warned not to is beyond my comprehension. Smart people, real smart. The manor really puts on a great show! Join his group soon before he maxes out on followers.

Anatomy of a Scream- Valeska, Joe Lipsett and their kick ass contributing team of ghoulish girls are a must follow horror group. Their posts are insightful, informative and a perfectly made horror community. As a female in horror, I’m a huge supporter of their mission and community. They also have a free downloadable E-Magazine called Grim…Trust me, This group won’t disappoint you!

Horror Everything- What’s not to love with a name like Horror Everything? Started and monitored by the lovely Erika Lynn Evanson Wallmark. This group has tons of funny memes, film recommendations, self-promoters and contributors in the horror genre. There are other freaky fun treats like live feeds and video group watching. As long as you follow the rules, pretty much anyone can post!

The Horror Syndicate- Love the updates, reviews and skype live feeds. Mr. Ray Marek and his band of horror misfits will keep you entertained on the Horror Syndicate.

Samhain’s horror collections, cosplays and more…- What’s a horror group without Michael Meyers? If you love the Halloween franchise, you may want to join this group. Mortifying masks, collectibles and fan filled fun in this group.

Tom Hollands Terror time- If you’ve never heard of Tom Holland then chances are, you’ve probably never heard of Terror time. Tom is the mastermind and creator of your favorite childhood scares like Fright Night, The Langoliers and Childs Play. Tom has brought us mayhem for years with his films, books and website. This is a guaranteed crowd pleaser for sure. Join the group and enjoy the terror!

Crypt TV- Crypt tv is one of my all-time favorite horror fb groups. Crypt tv is an entertainment company funded by Jason Blum (Blumhouse productions), founded by Eli Roth and Jack Davis in 2015. Filled with loads of content by tons of indie writers and creators. They post some of the best horror shorts out there. Give yourself a chill. Join their group and submerge yourself in free video watching.
Halloween came early this year…You’re welcome!
Hope you like what I’ve “Dug Up” for you. Til next time, my little gremlins. Scare you soon!