Morris-Jumel Mansion

Jumel Mansion is the oldest house in New York City. It is also one of the most haunted houses in New York with dozens of sightings over the years. This historical landmark is the place where Former President George Washington won his first battle in the revolutionary war. This house is swarming with claims of paranormal activity. The house is said to have had a history of deaths. This house was used to shelter the wounded soldiers during the war which may have resulted in several unreported casualties. Some of the haunted stories linked to the house is of a servant girl who supposedly committed suicide by jumping from the balcony. Another was a soldier who tripped down the steps and fell on his own bayonet. One of the most peculiar stories I've heard is of a grandfather clock that calls to men that visit the mansion with their female counterparts. The man becomes fixated on a clock that calls him to it. Once standing in front of the clock, the man becomes extremely sad. The house is still in remarkable shape and is worth the visit. Check their site for upcoming events. They also offer ghost and private tours at an additional cost.