The Destroyer III: Christ the Conqueror

In a continuing effort to entertain and educate all of you bored, unkempt, ever-thickening, self-imposed shut-ins during this time of crisis, ANGRY MAN Publishing is giving away free downloads of the literary classic CHRIST THE CONQUEROR for the next five days—that’s one day of free books for every finger on the calloused hand you use to ménage à moi yourself during those elusive, infrequent moments of privacy one is afforded when having to endure quarantined life with their whiny, ungrateful family.
From April 19 through April 23, anyone with an electronic reading device can download a complimentary copy of the epic story that inspired one critic to write: “Reading a book penned by Jason L. Gooding is every bit as enjoyable and uplifting as watching a large herd of baby harp seals being clubbed to death.”
For some of you, this is a chance to immerse yourselves in the author’s epic and wildly original take on good versus evil (versus drunken indifference) as it is played out in unique settings by a cast of unforgettable characters.
For you slower readers… Well, good for you for trying.
Fun for the whole family! Ages 12 and up!
Will only be available for free for a few days, or support him by purchasing