Slaughter Cins Top 10 Horror 2000’s watchlist

Hola horror fans,
Welcome to another watchlist by your She-Wolf Horror Host, Slaughter Cin. I hope you’ve been enjoying the films I’ve been recommending. This week, I’d like to switch it up a bit with a TOP 10 Watchlist from the past decade. This is the first batch of my Top 10 recommendations because there are tons more lined up in the horror vault for your future enjoyment.

10. D-Railed (2018) This eerie movie had a very different approach when it comes to terror trains. Check it out and watch the mystery unfold.

9. The nights of something strange (2016) This dark comedy delivers on shock factor, gore and laughs. Don’t let this one get away, it’s a real killer!

8.Cabin in the woods (2011) This film is terroriffic! You can’t go wrong with a film that has dark humor and awesome creatures. A must watch if you haven’t seen it already!

7. The girl with all the gifts (2012) The young girl that played the lead in this film was absolutely phenomenal. This horror film has a different take on a classic monster.

6. The prodigy (2019) Sinister kid always creates the perfect recipe for a great horror flick. This is a must see.

5. Summer of 84 (2018) This film has a classic 80’s film. The setting has a Goonies/Stranger things feel. Watch how these kids play crime stoppers as the go after a suspected serial killer in their neighborhood.

4. The evil within (2017) Such a creepy and weird cinematic horror trip. The acting is phenomenal!

3. As above so below (2014) I was pretty impressed with this found footage film. It’s guaranteed to have you at the edge of your seats.

2. Overlord (2019) If you’re looking for a film with non stop action, nazi mutated zombies in the middle of a war zone, then look no further. Overlord starts as a war film and fully delivers on the horror tip.

1. The void (2016) A must watch for all you horror sci-fi enthusiasts.
Well boils and ghouls that’s it for now. See you next week if you survive my slaughtered list. As always, stay scary