Colorful chaos with Dark surreal artist: Vivien Szaniszlo

Gruesome greetings horror peeps. Happy October and welcome to another HEXciting
interview with your She-Wolf horror host, Slaughter Cin. Today’s creepy guest is a dark
artist that portrays morbid beauty. I am a big fan of her work personally and have been
DYING to introduce her to all my horror art lovers out there. So let’s get started before
it’s meal time and I’ll have to gobble this tasty morsel up!
1. Please introduce yourself, tell me where you’re from?
My name is Vivien Szaniszlo. I am a Hungarian dark surreal painter. I am currently living
and working in Hungary.
2. What kind of art do you specialize in and has this always been your medium of
I love to capture the darker side of the human soul and mind. I choose themes that are
somewhat disturbing and not so easy to describe. I do dark surreal art, with twisted
thoughts and chaotic meanings. I always try to paint something deep and meaningful.
Emotions and feelings are significant parts of my art.
My main specialty is oil painting but I love to work with watercolors and inks too. It
depends on my mood. I have always felt a connection with dark arts, but I spent almost
3 years in search of a style which is now my own. I think I found my way, but art is a
never-ending journey. I’m developing myself all the time until death. The creative
process is very important in the art life. It comes from my cells. I cannot stop it.
3. How long have you been an artist for? When did you start?
I loved to draw since I was a child. I painted for the very first time in my life at age 9. I
became a serious full-time artist about 3 years ago. In 2017, I started to paint new ideas
harder than ever before.
4. Where do you draw your inspiration from?
My inspirations come from my experiences. I had a dark period in my life 10 years ago,
so I collected all my strength, to continue my art adventure. I am so thankful for the bad
things in my life, because of it I could be who I am now. I have enough inspiration and
experiences to be an authentic voice in my works. I always tell the truth through my
paintings without any filter.
I love to manifest sad things and feelings into my artworks. I tend to express hard things
on many levels. We can only appreciate the light if we recognize the darkness in our
soul. I was in darkness inside myself for a few years. I truly know what means to be walking in the dark forest of a mind. I can easily find inspiration from these things. I
would like to motivate and help others with these kinds of paintings. All my pieces mean
that hope never dies. We are fighters and survivors! Never give up the shine of your
5. What is your most favorite piece and why?
This is a very hard question..It is difficult to say. All my paintings are my children in a
special way. I put my soul and pieces of my heart into them all. I do not have a “most
favorite” painting. Because it depends on my recent mood at any given time. The
actual work reflects my recent feelings. I have art which is closer to me for some reason
because of the composition, or the theme… But I can’t pick any favorites.
6. Can you describe your art for us?
I love spiritual things…Bones and animals, and I love to paint women portraits. I really
believe we are more than just our body, our material maybe this is the reason
why I like to express mystical things in my art. I try to capture the fragile lines between
life and death, or afterlife. So I think I am a surreal painter. I work in macabre art and a
kind of dark surrealism. I express myself mostly through female portraits and complex
paintings of women usually using vivid colors to speak. I love to put dark twists in my
art. One of the most important things is for me to motivate people to think while
looking at my paintings. I like to pull them out from the monotonic comfort zones.
7. What are the price ranges of your art?
I sell prints and originals too, so in this case from $18 US up to $13.500 US
8. What are some of your future plans?
I have hopes and big dreams for my future. I would like to be a well-known artist in my
style. I would like to make lots of solo exhibitions and I would like to meet with people
who have similar artistic vibes also. I would like to share my thoughts and experiences
through my works. I really would love to travel around the world with my son. I would
love to create a bright future for him with my art. But one of my biggest dreams is to
have an exhibition in Paris. I love this city, but unfortunately, I’ve never been there. It
would be a great pleasure to bring my family there too, and show this amazing place to
them. I hope I can give happiness to people with my paintings.
9. What’s your favorite horror film?
I love many. Some of my classic favorites are “Sleepy Hollow”, or “Nightmare on Elm
Street”, and “Shining”. From the new ones, I love Stephen King’s “IT” and “Carrie” but
“Doctor Sleep” was good too.
10. If someone wanted to find out more about you or purchase some of your art, where
can They find you?
Is she FANGtastic or what? Make sure you horror fiends check out her work! You won’t
be disappointed, she is truly TERRORiffic! Support her with a purchase and make sure to
follow her artistic horror adventures. Don’t forget to join us next week with my next
Killer guest “Cliff Wallace” the monster making Maestro! Thank you so much for
inviting us into your dark world Vivien. The full moon always sets the right setting for
my meals. Bye Bye Vivien (Screams followed by a huge CHOMP!)
Check out more of Vivien's art below: