Frightful Fall Newsletter
Gory greetings Boils and ghouls. Welcome to another naughty newsletter. We are in my favorite
season and we are going to slay it right with some ghastly news for you. Slaughter Cin will be
speaking live tonight at 8pm EST on Make sure you tune in!
We hope you’ve been enjoying our horror reviews and killer interviews. This month we have a
killer lineup of Gruesome Guests. Make sure you check out our interview with “Cliff Wallace”
the Monster Making Maestro. You may have seen his work on some of the best horror films
released within the past 40 years!
Our numbers are sprouting and we are HEXcited! Thanks to all our wonderful followers out
there, our numbers have been climbing up the horror totem. Keep it coming! Stay tuned for
our next horror giveaway. We have some killer zombie prosthetic's coming your way! Contest
rules will be announced on Monday October 12, 2020.
Slaughter Cin will continue to deliver her video selections and horror recommendations. This
month, she’s kicking it up a notch with a horror shitlist! There is going to be a lot of surprises for you horror trick or treaters out there. Well, that’s it for now creepsters. Enjoy your upcoming Horrorday. Happy Halloween and stay safe!